
Looking for Corn

I was promised fields of corn, stretching to the horizon on both sides of the highway. Flat we found. The Texas panhandle has a lot of flat. There are also huge arroyos and canyons, called breaks, where the Canadian River has cut through the Llano Estacado, or Staked Plain. This land is as flat as any surface in the world, according to our Lake Meridith/Alibates Flint Quarries brochure.

One you get closer to Oklahoma, there's a lot of corn, and a lot of dirt. Looks like a wheat crop was recently harvested, and they're ready for the next crop. But circle irrigation has changed the wall-to-wall corn image forever. You get corn on both sides of the road, but only a short stretch of it, before the wall of corn curves away from you.

It's also hot, very hot. It was 98 degrees before noon on this fine August day.

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