This morning, Dave & I drove right onto the boat, with seconds to spare. Good omen. The mountain was a huge silhouette on the skyline, with the rising sun an even larger silhouette right next to it. And since we caught an earlier boat than planned, we got to drive around a bit and do a bit of geocaching, sliding around on frosty (and beautiful) back roads, and enjoying the bright sunshine.
This year we have two homes to visit: first to Anna & Jeromy's house for gifts & breakfast, then later to my sister's house for dinner. Anna and her family moved back to the island last June, when Laurie & Bob moved into the old family farmhouse on the other side of the island. When we got to Anna's, the whole clan was gathered. My sister greeted us at the door, with Bob right behind. The family room was in chaos--that perfect Christmas morning scene when small children are opening their gifts. We waded right in, hugged as many of our family as we could get hold of, and watched the fun.
We both loved our hand-made gifts: quilted coasters and bed warmers, Christmas cookies made by Callie & Ella (with help from Auntie Caroline). We also made our gifts this year: we've been collecting wine corks from the wineries we visit, and made trivets using picture frames:
Callie loved her green hoodie with the silver heart, and Ella's pink sweater with the argyle hearts seemed like a hit (harder to tell with an almost-2-year-old). I'm sure Anna will post photos of the girls in all their new clothes; they got some really cute things!
We played a very short game of Phase 10; Jeromy kept winning hand after hand by getting dealt the exact cards he needed... (Make a note: I think he's the guy to buy lottery tickets or pick the winning horse.)
When we'd opened every last thing and munched our way through all the breakfast pastries, Bob headed for home to start working on dinner, and Laurie suggested we go look for the geocache that's nearby. We took her geocaching with us before, but it was a first for everyone else. So we loaded up the cars and headed out. The cache was near the beach and a small lagoon; Callie made short work of finding it, and Anna think that geocaching would be fun and educational for the whole family.
The last time we saw the old farm, the efforts were all on the historic barn--clearing it out, then stabilizing the foundation and structure. Then Laurie & Bob turned their efforts to the house. It needed a major overhaul, too. I can imagine lots of evenings spent sketching possible floor plans, rerouting the traffic flow with new doors, deciding where to add windows, and what trees to take down to let light in. We were amazed at the transformation. They took out walls, rebuilt the kitchen, installed oak floors and a new woodstove, and painted everything. The kitchen is open to the living room and dining room, and the light oak floor unifies the three areas. With the shrubbery and trees cut back, the dining room window floods the rooms with light, and the large space is perfect for a large family to gather at the table. The rooms are light and and inviting and completely perfect. Two huge bedrooms will become guest room and bathroom, bedroom and storeroom, with space for a new stairway to the attic rooms. Jeromy did the beautiful tile and lots of other tasks; how great to have a contractor in the family!
We got so wrapped up in the tour and talking about the possibilities, we almost ran out of light for a walk around the Fisher Pond. Everyone was keen on trying for more geocaches, and we knew there were three on the trail. We had a great time, and think we've made some new converts to the sport!
I think I'm the luckiest sister, sister-in-law, aunt, and great-aunt on the planet... I have a wonderful family.
It was finally time to leave to catch our ferry. I always hate to leave Vashon, but today was worse than usual. I really didn't want to leave, and will be back... soon!
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