
Good Reads

I love this website! It lets you keep track of books you own, books you've read, books you'd like to read. Think of it as a virtual library that you can organize to suit yourself, with customized bookshelves for any category: cookbooks, fly fishing, horse management, crafts, whatever you want.

For years I've kept a list of my favorite authors, with all the book titles and the year published, and whether I own a copy, or have just read it. Now things are much easier. I added all the books from my book list to my account in Good Reads, and as I read new books, I just update the list.

I can share my list with friends, and see what they're reading. And the website suggests titles I might like, and there are links to my favorite authors, so I can keep track of what they're working on.

Good Reads is a cool website... check it out; you might like it.

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