It felt so much like autumn this morning, as I stepped out the door early this morning. The trees are changing color on the farm, and I heard the honking of a flock of geese as they flew overhead.
The place to be in the fall: fishing for trout (with a trusty fishing dog) |
By afternoon it was clear and sunny and warm. But I turned my back on the outdoors to get some chores done inside, then headed out for that dreaded of all renewals: my driver's license. The last time I did this, I could do it by mail. That's the way to go. The time before that, I waited for 3 hours. Today it was 10 minutes from the time I walked in the door, to walking out with my temporary license. Cool.
Dave was out geocaching when I got home, so I went out to find my one for the day, then home to edit photos and write. I'm a month behind, but catching up fast.
Dinner was simple: BLTs with thick slices of local tomatoes from Carpenito Bros, fresh Romaine lettuce, caramelized onions, and crispy bacon. It's one of my favorite simple suppers.
So I don't get geocaching. You will have to explain it to me sometime.