
A year and a day...

On a brilliant sunny day, we headed to Mount Rainier (our third visit in less than a week). Things were shutting down for the season, with snows already blanketing the high places like Sunrise, forcing the roads to close.

We had planned to drive a few miles up the road from the White River Campground, but even though the road was bare, the gate was barred. So we got to our destination the old-fashioned way:  we walked.

The views as we climbed were amazing, and so were the fall colors. We did our earthcache (the main reason we walked uphill for nearly two miles on perfectly good pavement), and as I turned to head downhill, my feet were perfectly placed on the double yellow lines.

I laughed out loud, and couldn't resist snapping a photograph. We couldn't be this close and not drive to the top of Chinook Pass, where the Mountain was stunning white above Tipsoo Lake.

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