
Store dogs...

This lovely girl is the official greeter at Camaraderie Cellars. I spent a bit of time with her, wine glass in one hand, scratching her ears with the other.

Seven years ago on this day, I gave notice at the place I'd worked for 23 years, and a month later, I was free. Like a lot of people, I had a very long list of the things I wanted to enjoy in retirement. My list had all the usual things, travel and spending more time with family. But it also had one thing I really wanted when the time was right:  a puppy.

I never worried about being bored in retirement, not once. But I didn't count on not slowing down, even 7 years later. We always thought that road trips and travel don't mix well with a dog, and I don't like the idea of leaving my dog in a kennel. But finally, I think I'm starting to feel my age. Instead of getting itchy feet when I'm home too long, I feel like I'm putting down roots. A couple of trips a year is beginning to sound perfect, surrounded by plenty of time working in my yard, sitting on the deck at the cabin, quilting.

And a puppy.

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