
Comfort food...

Winter brings it out in me, the need to be in the kitchen, stirring pots of soup and pasta sauce on the stove. Warm food for weekday meals in the coming weeks. I think it's a memory activity, from the couple of years we had a huge garden and the tomato harvest numbered in the thousands. And eggplant and cabbage, lettuce and snap peas, carrots and celery... the perfect ingredients for soups and big cast-iron pots of vegetables and lots and lots of pasta sauce.

Today that garden, if I were to plant one, would also include Brussels sprouts and beans and onions and garlic. And it would still have tomatoes... lots and lots of tomatoes.

In some ways I miss having a garden. But as long as there are farm stands, I can still cook with produce picked the same day, from a farm just down the road. And that's almost as good.

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