
Room on the bed for two

Both cats claimed spots on the bed last night, so we let them stay. James curled up between us, and Phoebe slept at the end of the bed, next to the soles of my feet. They're both learning how to be bedroom cats, finally.

Phoebe, our Russian Blue, used to last about an hour then she'd bang on the door and head for the basement. James, our very large American Shorthair, is pretty good about staying put, and usually lasts until 2:30 or 3:00 (sometimes with some extra incentives, like a head scratch or a tummy rub). So she gets to sleep on the bed on the weekends. Weekdays, no. I'm not crazy about getting up twice to let cats downstairs, when my alarm goes off at 4:30! Last night they both stayed until 3:40. And I'm pretty sure Phoebe stayed only because James was there, and she doesn't want James to get all the attention.

It’s kind of amusing to have a jealous cat. You’d think they’d have other things to worry about, like getting food and sleeping as many hours as possible in a 24-hour period. Until James came to live with us, Phoebe wasn’t jealous of the other cats. But when it comes to sharing human attention, the competition never stops.

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