
Dead weeds...

Another beautiful day to work in the garden. We were gone during most of a hot August, which killed most of the weeds in my flower gardens. How lucky was that! The flowers were a bit stressed, but are coming back nicely. I've been steadily working through the beds, clearing out dead weeds and deadheading, moving perennials to better spots, and cutting back the sod to give me more room to plant next spring.

The big flowerbed outside our studio apartment is slowly taking shape. I've started to rebuild the rockery we dismantled when we had a big fir tree taken out a few years ago. John and Dave moved the rocks back to the garden for me, and I'm shoving them her and there as I can, and building a new run of stone to form a curvy walkway through the bed. This area is 3 feet deep in bark and wood chips (thanks to grinding the stump), and I'm gradually moving chips to other parts of the garden. When I get down to dirt, I can plant new perennials here.

As I cut down old flower stalks, I've been harvesting seeds from my favorites: rose campion, white foxglove, veronica spicata, campanula. I hope to start these indoors at the end of winter, and have plants to set out in April.

Before setting the sprinkler, I crawled under the hellebores and transplanted a bunch of babies. They'll live in pots on the patio and next summer I'll be able to plant them in the garden (or give them away).

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful - and how lucky that the heat killed the weeds while the flowers survived.


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