
A gift...

I woke with the sun... watching the room grow light along with the world outside, and feeling right with the world.

It was 60 degrees when we got home from caching. I changed to work clothes and spent a happy afternoon outside, clearing up the branches I pruned from the fruit trees last week, and taking stock of what still needs to be done.

Mentally I added tasks to the checklist: Prune the butterfly bush. Cut back the snowberry, and the three lilac bushes, so DW can mow the grass paths in between them. Deadhead the lace-cap hydrangea (the new leaves are already growing). Cut the lemon balm to the ground. Get the frames ready for the peonies; they'll be pushing through the dirt any day now. In a few weeks, I need to cut the ferns to the ground, to make room for the new growth. And my most pressing task: pulling weeds.

The past few weeks have been frustrating, wanting to do everything I love, but not finding enough time. Today was a gift: perfect weather to be outside in this place I love.

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