
In bloom...

For the past few days, a pair of Towhees have been dogging my steps as I work in the garden, getting more and more agitated the closer I get to the one corner that hasn't been weeded for a month. So wouldn't you know, that's where they decided to raise their babies!

So today I worked as close as I dared, then gave the parents a break and backed off. Hopefully, I'll see the babies take flight, so I can get my weeding finished.

But honestly, I was glad of the excuse to take a break, go downstairs to catch up on the laundry, clean up my sewing room, and think about the next quilt I want to make.


  1. This is a beautiful flower....

  2. Hi Lissa from a first-time visitor to your blog who read and enjoyed your comment on Karen’s blog about enjoying retirement, which we have also been doing for many years. I just spent some time reading some if your posts and like how you get in your red car and go exploring with your camera. I am always looking for new blogs to read and will be returning often to yours. And, I invite you to stop by and visit ours anytime you’re in the neighborhood.


I love that you took the time to read my blog, and appreciate your comments.