
Blue eggs

We met up with friends for dinner in Belltown last weekend, and our friend Ann brought me a present: a dozen eggs from her backyard chickens. She opened the carton to show me the rainbow of colors. I especially love the pale blue eggs from her Ameraucana hen, whose legs match her eggs.

Getting home-grown eggs makes me want chickens of my own again. The spring after we bought our little farm, we went to our local farm store to buy baby chicks. In the middle of the room was a huge round metal tank full of cheeps and sawdust under heat lamps. We picked out a dozen Rhode Island Red chicks, recommended by my sister as gentle birds, good layers, and gorgeous roosters. We took them home and crossed our fingers.  And we lucked out: one rooster, the rest hens.

One day we'll have chickens again, just a few hens to lay just enough eggs for us and friends.

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